Redesign Maxim App

Tan Chrisdoris
2 min readJun 23, 2021

UX/UI Study Case

Maxim is an online cab-hailing service. Originating from Russia, Maxim also operates in other countries like Ukraine, Kazakhstan, the Czech Republic, Georgia, Bulgaria, Italy, Malaysia, and Indonesia. In this case study lasting 1 week in May 2021, my role, as a UX/UI Designer, was to redesign the application based on the behaviour of the Indonesian users.

Problem Statement

Based on my desk research, many Maxim drivers have complaints of customers canceling their rides. Therefore, based on this revelation, I perform an analysis of user behavior when ordering a ride on Maxim.


  1. Identifying every section that may be a problem along with a solution.
  2. Creating an information hierarchy with a low-fidelity prototype.
  3. Developing a high-fidelity prototype.
Dissection, Information Hierarchy and High Fidelity Prototype
Color Components 60–30–10

Lessons Learned

Although proven to work in other countries, especially in Eastern Europe, the application must still be fitted to the behavior of locals. Otherwise, there will be a significant impact on the brand and the business.

Upon working on this study case, it becomes clear that using stronger colors, like yellow, needs to be handled with care. In this case study, the usage of yellow is important to its branding, but it also mistakenly makes unimportant information stand out to the user.



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